For the supported Shop Management Programs, we've created a program that will run on your local server and send your list of current repair orders and needed information to us so we can have it in the system when a user is ready to perform an inspection. To see if it is already setup, click on the "Quick List" button just below the menu bar:
If the integration has already been setup, This brings up a popup window showing you the repair orders for the cars that are in your shop today:
- Shows your current Repair Orders (the list is updated every 60 seconds by default).
- The "Create" button allows the user to create a new inspection for this vehicle.
- For large shops, the search feature will help find the car you want to inspect:
If your shop has not yet setup the integration, you will see a message telling you to set it up. To do this, either give us a call at (424) 262-1580 and schedule an install. Or, if you feel like giving it a go, you can try the setup yourself. You will need to be on the physical server that the database is installed on. Follow these instructions to perform the installation:
- From the Homepage, click on "Customer Service" in the menu at the bottom of the page.
- Click "Download the RSS Connector installer" to get the latest version of the installer.
- Run the downloaded program, accepting the default settings
- Once the installation is complete, Press the "Windows" key and type in "RSS"
- Click on the "RSS Connector Service Configuration" program
- Make sure "Configuration" is checked
- Click Add
- When the "New Configuration" window opens, select your System from the "Shop System" option. This will most likely auto-config everything else needed.
- Test the database connection
- Apply the database settings
- Next we need to connect your shop to your RSS account. In RSS, from your homepage, click on the settings option and select "Shop Info"
- Locate the "RSS Company Key" from the integrations tab and copy it. You will be putting this into the RSS Connector
- Back in the Connector Configuration program, under the "Quick List" section:
- Give your connection a name - we recommend "Default configuration".
- Defaults to updating every 60 seconds.
- Paste your "Company Key" here.
- Select the list you want to be able to do an inspection from - we recommend only selecting "Repair Orders".
Click "Save" at the top of the configuration utility to save the setup. In the upper right corner of the utility, the message should say that the "RssConnectorService Status is Running". Like this:
If it is not running, click the right arrow to get it started:
You should now be able to refresh your home screen in RSS and click on the "QuickList" button and see your current repair orders listed. If you don't see them, try it again in about 60 seconds. If you're still having issues, please contact us by using the chat button in the lower right of this screen or calling us at (424) 262-1580 and we will jump on your machine and help you with the setup.